Created by Steve Gerber and Doug Wheatley

Clark Kent (Green Lantern of Krypton).png

Clark Kent


Real Name: Clark Kent
Aliases: Kal-El
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Earth-1968
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Jonathan Kent (father, deceased); Martha Kent (mother, deceased); Jor-El (adoptive father); Lara (adoptive mother)
Base of Operation: Krypton
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Superman: Last Son of Earth #1 (2000)
Creators: Steve Gerber and Doug Wheatley


In 1968, astrophysicist Jonathan Kent discovered a giant asteroid, speeding towards a disastrous collision with Earth. Unable to convince the world of the impending danger, Kent designed and built a rocket capable of carrying his wife and newborn child into orbit, to return after the effects of the asteroid's impact had subsided.

His wife, Martha, chose to stay by his side while their son, Clark Kent, was sent into space, minutes before the asteroid struck. Unforeseen by Jonathan Kent, the rocket was pulled into a wormhole and emerged light years away, in a different solar system. The rocket struck an alien starship before crashing on the planet Krypton, a massive planet orbiting a red sun.

The infant was discovered by Jor-El and Lara, natives of Krypton. The baby's human body was too weak to survive in Krypton's high-gravity environment but Jor-El devoted himself to the strange visitor from another world, whom he named Kal-El. For his first eleven years, Kal-El lived within a transpolymer sphere with a null gravity field, while Jor-El slowly increased the gravity and atmospheric pressure in the environmental chamber. As Kal-El grew, started to wear a robotic exoskeleton built by Jor-El which enabled him to go out and about on this alien world, oblivious to his true origins.

Years later, Kal-El would leave his house for months at a time to explore. Krypto, a robotic servitor, accompanied him on his travels. Kal-El was searching for artifacts of Krypton's past when a particularly violent planet quake uncovered an unknown energy source was detected. Unafraid, Kal-El climbed towards the point of the strange readings and found the remains of an alien creature. It was a silicon based life form which had been buried in the Kryptonian rock for at least two hundred thousand years.

Unbeknownst to Kal-El, the creature was a member of the Green Lantern Corps. Instinctively, Kal-El took the power ring from the alien and placed in on his finger. A voice emanating from the power battery told Kal-el to touch ring to battery while speaking a sacred oath. Kal-el found himself possessing an object that could make his very will reality. He broke free of his exoskeleton to take flight in a costume bearing the symbol of the Corps.

Returning to his house to share his discovery with Jor-El, Kal-El was surprised to see his father disturbed by something. Searching through Jor-El's files, Kal-El came upon information about Krypton's past. Long ago, after the abandonment of the Clone Banks, extremists led by Kan-Z released nuclear material into the planet's core. The device was neutralized but no one could foresee the effect it would have on Krypton's future.

Hundreds of centuries later, modern Kryptonians were dying from radiation sickness as the lethal particles seeped up from the planet's core. Moreover, Krypton itself was doomed to destruction as the activity in its core built towards a chain reaction. Kal-El was determined to avert the death of the planet.

Out in space, Kal-El snared thousands of meteors which he reshaped into massive metal columns. The dozens of metal columns were then pushed through vital stress points along Krypton's surface where they would act as control rods in a nuclear reactor, disrupting the chain reaction and sparing the planet.

Surveying his work, Kal-El discovered ruins from ancient Krypton and Krypton's forgotten past. He confronted the Council of Elders with his findings, berating Kryptonian society for its fear of each other, the past and the unknown.

Later, Kal-El thought of the images that had appeared in his mind when he found the power battery, images of another world. He demanded Jor-El answer his question regarding his true homeworld. -Superman: Last Son of Earth #1


As a Green Lantern, Clark Kent possessed a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Green Lantern in chronological order click here


Reversing the traditional "Last Son of Krypton" story, Steve Gerber gives us (in my opinion) one of the best Elseworlds to date. He also manages to tie in with the Green Lantern Corps, which certainly never hurts. In an unusual choice by Doug Wheatley, Kal-El's Green Lantern costume owes more to the design of the "Electric Blue Superman" than the more familiar red, yellow and blue costume.

For more "Superman with a power ring" see: Kal-El (Green Lantern of Oa) and Kal-El (Green Lantern of Krypton)