

 Series Group: Superman Family

The Superman group of indexes will only include Superman-related series published after the Man of Steel mini-series that revamped the Superman universe. Each of the indexes includes all issues of the series in question including Annuals and Specials.

As the Man of Steel series completely revamps the entire Superman mythos/universe, appearances that precede The Man of Steel mini-series will not be included unless they are considered part of current DC continuity. Characters that have a history in the pre-revamp Superman universe, e.g. Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Lex Luthor, will be treated as completely new characters in this index. Their first listings will, however, read "first post-revamp appearance" as opposed to a completely new character, which will only read "first appearance".

Below is a listing of all Superman Group Title Indexes currently available in the DCU Guide. Currently 86 Superman-related comics have been added to the wiki version of the site.

Pages in category "Series Group - Superman"

The following 86 pages are in this category, out of 86 total.