
Castellan (Carl Draper).png
Castellan (Carl Draper)


Real Name: Carl Draper
Aliases: Deathtrap, Locksmith, Master Jailer
Citizenship: American
Known Relatives: Carla Draper
Gender: Male
First Appearance: (original): Superman Vol. 1 #331 (January 1979)
(current, as Deathtrap): Adventures of Superman #517 (November 1994)
(as Master Jailer): Superman Vol. 2 #186 (November 2002)
(as Castellan): Checkmate Vol. 2 #17 (October 2007)


An expert on security systems and the safe detention of meta-humans, Carl Draper had an arrogant streak and so rose to his daughter's challenge when she suggested that he design a trap for Superman. Going one further than that, he named himself Deathtrap and attempted to trap both Superman and Scott Free, but failed at this task. He since encountered Superman a number of times (once using the name Locksmith), but never managed to carry out his goal.

Later calling himself the Master Jailer, he was one of many villains to attack Superman and his friends (both civilian and otherwise) under the direction of Manchester Black. He used various weapons, including chains that grew at his mental command.

Draper was later captured by Checkmate and began working for them as Castellan, the Checkmate Head of Physical Security.

[For the pre-Crisis version of this character, see Master Jailer (pre-Crisis).]


For a definitive list of appearances of Castellan in chronological order click here