Created by Todd Klein and Dave Gibbons

Brin; Art by Dave Gibbons


Occupation: Green Lantern
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Unknown
Space Sector: 1324
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Mina (wife); Cor (son); Meri (daughter); unnamed infant son
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Gender: Male
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: White
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 2 #167 (August 1983): "Successor"
Creators: Todd Klein and Dave Gibbons


A Green Lantern for many years, Brin had been called to Oa for his actions against an invasion in his space sector. Computerized drones of the Spider Guild had attacked a solar system of a nearby star. When Brin could not turn the Guild ships away, he foolishly rushed to attack and barely escaped with his life. He appealed to the Guardians of the Universe for other members of the Corps, including the Green Lantern of Uxor (later known as the Green Man). The Corps repelled the invasion. On Oa, the Guardians decided to retire Brin from the Corps.

When he retired, it was assumed one of his children, Meri, Cor, or even his now infant son would take on the responsibilities of Green Lantern. In the years of his service, the family had a robotic T-Cher to help his wife Mina raise their two children. T-Cher had trained the boys well, just as he had trained Brin.

Brin returned home, and told his family the news. The Guardians had chosen someone from Brin's family to be his successor. The Guardians pointed to the one they had chosen. It was not Meri or Cor or the infant, but T-Cher. The Guardians had watched him for many years, his courage and wisdom had protected and guided the family. He was considered the most worthy for the Corps.

Meri and Cor had reacted to the news with anger. Though T-Cher had wanted to explain to the kids, Brin told him he had a greater responsibility. Now it was time for Brin to raise his children. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #167

It has recently been revealed Brin is deceased. The circumstances of his death have not been revealed. Brin is memorialized in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps on Oa. - Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1




As a Green Lantern, Brin possessed a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Brin in chronological order click here


Only re-reading this now (I've read it many times over the past 12 years) did I realize Brin was being sent to the "glue factory". :)

Seriously though, this was a *great* story. A must read... go out and get a copy today!