Unofficial Birds of Prey Index |
Story | Gilbert Hernadez |
Art | Casey Jones |
Colors | Hi-Fi |
Color separations | Hi-Fi |
Lettering | John E. Workman |
Editing | Lysa Hawkins |
Feature Character(s):
Guest Star(s):
- Metamorpho (as 'Java')
Supporting Character(s):
- Simon Stagg
- Sapphire Stagg
- Joey Stagg (all three in one body)
- Story continues in the next issue
Synopsis: - Java tells Black Canary that Sapphire and Joey Stagg have somehow been fused into one being, and he wants her help to release them from this state. They gather some of Simon Stagg's former scientific colleagues, but the being that was the Staggs soon arrives to add further confusion. Meanwhile, Danko Twag, who claims to be Killer Moth, continues to terrorize Oracle.