 Unofficial Birds of Prey Index

Birds of Prey 42


Cover Date: June 2002
Cover Price: $2.50


Cover Credits:
Art: Phil Noto

Story: "Karen's Story" (22 Pages)


StoryChuck Dixon
ArtGlenn Fabry
InksSandu Floreau
ColorsWildstorm FX
Color separationsWildstorm FX
LetteringAlbert De Guzman
EditingMatt Idelson

Feature Character(s):

Power Girl (also in flashback to around the time the new JLA formed)
Oracle (in flashback)

Supporting Character(s):

Ted Kord

Other Character(s):

General Rassam Harrat (first appearance; leader of a military coup in Qurac; in flashback)
Haiza Musharu (first appearance; the deposed president of Qurac; dies in flashback)
Jodana (first appearance;a small child, dies; first appearance; in flashback)


Power Girl visits Ted Kord, asleep in his hospital bed, and tells him of the time she first did a mission for Oracle. It was in Qurac, where the democratically-elected president and many others were leaving the country, fleeing the leader of a military coup. Power Girl was sent in to protect the president. However, there were two ships in the area - one with the president aboard, one with one thousand civilians, and both were attacked with torpedoes simultaneously. Power Girl did not have the power to stop both and was told by Oracle to save the president. She averted the torpedo while the other ship was destroyed with no survivors; however, there was a fanatic aboard the other ship who shot the president. Everyone she was supposed to protect had died, and although Oracle, wracked with guilt and pain herself, tried to comfort her, she broke off all contact with Oracle for some time and has never forgiven herself.