Unofficial Birds of Prey Index |
Story | Chuck Dixon |
Pencils | James Fry |
Inks | Andrew Pepoy |
Colors | Gloria Vasquez |
Color separations | Wildstorm FX |
Lettering | Albert De Guzman |
Associate editing | Michael Wright |
Editing | Matt Idelson |
Feature Character(s):
- Black Canary II (next in JSA #31)
- Oracle
Supporting Character(s):
- Entity (first appearance)
Other Character(s):
- Don (first appearance; a General Robotics employee)
Synopsis: - Black Canary intercepts some industrial sabotage at General Robotics, but is not in time to prevent the saboteur being taken over by a colony of nanites which use him as their environment. It looks like she is going to share their fate until Oracle accesses the building's electricity and kills the lights, shutting him down, as nanites need that power source. The nanites then start to meld with the saboteur's body, and when he is taken into the Slab, declare themselves to be 'Entity'.