Created by Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis and Mike McKone (Michael Maurice); Keith Giffen, Gerard Jones and Marshall Rogers (Beefeater)


Real Name: Michael Morice
Citizenship: British
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Unnamed wife
Base of Operation: Ipswich, England
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 172 lbs.
Eyes: Light brown
Hair: White, balding
First Appearance: (as Michael): Justice League International Annual Vol. 1 #3 (1989): "Around the World with the Justice League"
(as Beefeater): Justice League Europe #20 (November 1990): "Rue Britannia"
Creators: Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis and Mike McKone (Michael Maurice); Keith Giffen, Gerard Jones and Marshall Rogers (Beefeater)


As the chief of the Justice League International's London embassy, Michael Morice was disturbingly similar to Basil Fawlty - eccentric, incompetent, demanding, tactless and a stickler for routine. Unfortunately he possesses a power stick which he claims was used by his grandfather to fight Nazis during World War Two. With this stick, Morice managed to destroy his embassy and was dismissed from his post. Easily Britain's most incompetent hero, he doesn't even look good in his outfit modelled on his namesakes who guard the Tower of London.

The Beefeater is currently employed as the Queen's Jailer, at Basement 101, Her Majesty's Extra-Secure Facility for Para-Criminals in the heart of London.


For a definitive list of appearances of Beefeater in chronological order click here