 Unofficial Batman Index

Batman 632


Cover Date: November 2004
Cover Price: $2.25


Cover Credits:
Art: Matt Wagner (signed)

Story: "War Games: Act 2 Part 8. Orpheus in the Underworld" (22 Pages)


StoryBill Willingham
InksAaron Sowd
ColorsTony Aviña
LetteringPat Brosseau
Associate editingMichael Wright
EditingBob Schreck

Feature Character(s):

Batman (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #35; next in Detective Comics #799)

Guest Star(s):

Onyx I (last in Nightwing Vol. 2 #97; next in Detective Comics #799)

Supporting Character(s):

Oracle (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #35; next in Detective Comics #799)
Darla Aquista (deceased)
Arturo Rodriguez (in between Detective Comics #798 and #799)


Black Mask (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #35; disguised as Orpheus II; next in Detective Comics #799)
Henry Aquista (last in Detective Comics #798)
Zeiss (last in Batman: The 12-Cent Adventure #1; next in Catwoman Vol. 3 #36)

Guest Appearance(s):

Orpheus II (deceased)
Batgirl III (last in Batgirl #56; next in Detective Comics #799)
Catwoman (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #35; next in Nightwing Vol. 2 #98)
Nightwing II (last in Batman: Gotham Knights #57; next in Detective Comics #799)
Robin III (last in Robin Vol. 2 #130; next in Detective Comics #799)


Act Two of War Games continued from Catwoman Vol. 3 #35. Act Three begins in Detective Comics #799.


Black Mask disguises himself as Orpheus, and as such is forced to battle Zeiss, who was sent to kill Orpheus and other 'crime bosses' by grief-stricken Henry Aquista. When Batman arrives on the scene, he gets the better of Zeiss, but is distracted by a large explosive planted by the assassin which he must defuse. As he does, Black Mask deliberately allows Zeiss to escape. Through Onyx, he arranges for the transportation of a large machine for dispersing gasses, and then listens in as Batman gives his allies and police their orders for a final showdown with the gangs in Robinson Park.