

Aliases: Balder
Identity: The general public believes Baldur to be a figment of myth
Occupation: Norse god of light, joy, beauty and peace
Status: Deceased
Known Relatives: Odin (father); Frigga (mother); Thor (brother); Sif (sister-in-law)
Base of Operation: Formerly Asgard
Group Affiliation(s): Aesir (benevolent Norse Gods)
Gender: Male
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Hair: Blond
First Appearance: ?


Baldur, Norse god of light, was accidentally killed in an incident arranged by Loki.


Baldur is the Norse god of light, and the beloved son of Odin and Frigga. Legend has it that Frigga went to great lengths to protect fair Baldur, and even coerced every living and dead thing in the world into swearing not to harm him. Everything expect for the tiny mistletoe, that is, which she overlooked. The scheming trickster-god Loki took advantage of this vulnerability by tricking another god into killing Baldur with an arrow made from mistletoe. It is not clear at what point this happened, since Baldur has been seen both among the living and in the realm of the dead quite recently. Another possibility is that Baldur may have been granted short periods of time among the living since his demise.


Baldur is impervious to everything but mistletoe. He may also possess other powers which have not yet been revealed. It seems as if he has returned from the dead at least temporarily, but if this was of his own powers of by the power of someone else, remains to be seen.

He has been seen fighting the Justice League, so he possesses some degree of fighting skill.


For a definitive list of appearances of Baldur in chronological order click here