Created by Leo Dorfman and Kurt Schaffenberger

The Original Universe


Homeworld: Arctor
Space Sector: Unidentified
Physical characteristics:
Type: Humanoid
Eyes: Two
Fingers: Five per hand
First Appearance: Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #66 (July 1966): "They Call Me the Cat"
Creators: Leo Dorfman and Kurt Schaffenberger


Arctorians hail from the planet Arctor, a world of sub-zero temperatures. Despite their advanced technology, they subsist on a rather simple diet, that of frost-flowers native to their world. Their feet appear quite different from the rest of their bodies, as the green fur covered feet are clawed and enable them to maneuver over their icy terrain by the means of vable.


Arctorians appear to have highly developed sense of balance, as they travel via cables in likely icy and possibly windy conditions. It is not known if their clawed feet are used for attack or defense. It is suggested, despite their natural environment of below freezing temperatures, that they can withstand tremendous heat without ill effect.


For a definitive list of appearances of the Arctorians in chronological order click here