

Status: Deceased
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Hippolyta (sister), Phthia (daughter), Theseus (husband)
Group Affiliation(s): Amazons of Themyscira
Gender: Female
First Appearance: (historical): Wonder Woman Vol. 1 #312 (February 1984)
(canonical): Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #1 (February 1987)


The sister of the Amazon Queen Hippolyta, Antiope lived with the rest of the Amazons in the original city of Themyscira until it was destroyed following a betrayal by Heracles.

When the Amazons had defeated Heracles' army, they split into two tribes. Hippolyta took half of her people to New Themyscira – the Paradise Island. But her sister Antiope chose a more violent way, leading the other half of the Amazons to pursue Heracles' army. However, Heracles' ally Theseus pleaded forgiveness and declared his love for Antiope. The two were married and lived in peace for years. Then Antiope was murdered by Theseus' ex-wife Ariadne, while her own daughter Phthia was framed for it by Theseus' son Menallipus. This was the start of an era of bloodshed for Antiope's tribe, who emigrated and settled down in the Egyptian city of Bana-Mighdall. Only recently, Antiope's people were reunited with their sisters on Themyscira.


For a definitive list of appearances of Antiope in chronological order click here