Created by Paul Kupperberg and Keith Giffen

Ambush Bug (Irwin Schwab).png
Ambush Bug (Irwin Schwab)


Ambush Bug first appeared in DC Comics Presents #52 (December 1982): "Negative Woman Goes Berserk".

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Ambush Bug in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Ambush Bug (Irwin Schwab) biography click here.

Ambush Bug Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
DC Comics Presents #52 (December 1982): "Negative Woman Goes Berserk"
DC Comics Presents #59 (July 1983): "Ambush Bug II, or, Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Start Reading DC Comics Presents Again"
Supergirl Vol. 2 #16 (February 1984): "Bug-Out"
Action Comics #560/2 (October 1984): "Police Blotter"
Action Comics #563 (January 1985): "Black Beauty"
Action Comics #565/2 (March 1985): "Sellout"
DC Comics Presents #81 (May 1985): "All This and Kobra, Too", or, "Turning Kryptonese I Think I'm Turning Kryptonese I Really Think So", or, "Tora Tora Tora"
Ambush Bug #1 (June 1985): "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Wipe-Out"
Ambush Bug #2 (July 1985): "The Koala Who Walks Like a Man"
Ambush Bug #3 (August 1985): "The Ambush Bug History of the DC Universe"
Ambush Bug #4 (September 1985): "Whoops"
Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #46 (March 1986): "Revelations"
Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer #1 (1986): "I Knew I Shoulda Taken That Left Toyn Back in Albakoyky"
Son of Ambush Bug #1 (July 1986): "How Come You Do Me Like You Do Do Do?"
Son of Ambush Bug #2 (August 1986): "Hell Again, Hell Again, Jiggety Jig"
Son of Ambush Bug #3 (September 1986): "Who Put the 'Pop' in Poppycock"
Son of Ambush Bug #4 (October 1986): "The Comics Inquirer"
Son of Ambush Bug #5 (November 1986): "Ambush Bug Busted!!!!"
Son of Ambush Bug #6 (December 1986): "Walking Papers"
Invasion! #2 (1988): "Battleground Earth"
Invasion! #3 (1989): "World Without Heroes"
Secret Origins Vol. 2 #48 (April 1990): "The Secret Origin of Ambush Bug"
Ambush Bug Nothing Special #1 (September 1992): [No Title]
Guy Gardner: Warrior #29 (March 1995): "It's My Party and I'll Fight If I Want To"
Justice Leagues: Justice League of Amazons #1 (March 2001): "Justice Leagues, Part II: Jungle Work"
JLA: Welcome to the Working Week (2003): "Welcome to the Working Week"
Lobo Unbound #4 (November 2003)
Lobo Unbound #5 (March 2004)
Lobo Unbound #6 (May 2004)
52 #24 (December 2006): "Just Imagine"
Ambush Bug: Year None #1 (September 2008): "Hey, You Sank My Battle-Ax!"
Ambush Bug: Year None #2 (October 2008): "Five Million Elvis Impersonators Can't Be Wrong!"
Ambush Bug: Year None #3 (November 2008): "A Ton of Bricks, A Jug of Whine-- And Thou!"
Ambush Bug: Year None #4 (December 2008): "The Guignol Age of Comics"
Ambush Bug: Year None #5 (January 2009): "Meet the New Boss!"
Ambush Bug: Year None #7 (December 2009): "1 Year Late"
Doom Patrol Vol. 5 #9 (June 2010): "Thick As A Brick"
Doom Patrol Vol. 5 #11 (August 2010): "Front and Center"
Doom Patrol Vol. 5 #12 (September 2010): "False Front"
Doom Patrol Vol. 5 #14 (November 2010): "Power Player!"
Doom Patrol Vol. 5 #15 (December 2010): "A House Divided"
Doom Patrol Vol. 5 #16 (January 2011): "Gazing into the Abyss"
Secret Six Vol. 3 #30 (April 2011): "Suicide Roulette, Part One of Two: Like a Star on the Horizon"
Doom Patrol Vol. 5 #19 (April 2011): "Suicide Roulette, Part Two: Ring-a-Ding Doom"
Doom Patrol Vol. 5 #22 (July 2011): "Doomsday"
Chronos #1,000,000 (November 1998): "Time on my Hands" [future, last chronological appearance]