 Unofficial All-Star Section Eight Index

All-Star Section Eight 6


Cover Date: February 2016
Cover Price: $2.99
Publication Date: 2015-12-02


Cover Credits:
Art: Amanda Conner (signed)
Colors: Paul Mounts

Story: "6: He's Gotta Be Strong & He's Gotta Be Fast & He's Gotta Be Fresh From the Fight" (20 Pages)


StoryGarth Ennis
ArtJohn McCrea
ColorsJohn Kalisz
LetteringPat Brosseau
Assistant editingBrittany Holzherr
EditingMarie Javins

Feature Character(s):

Section Eight
Baytor (next in Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard Travelin' Heroz #1)
Bueno Excellente (behind the scenes; next in Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard Travelin' Heroz #1)
Dogwelder II (next in Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard Travelin' Heroz #1)
Grapplah (dies)
Guts (behind the scenes; next in Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard Travelin' Heroz #1)
Powertool (dies)
Sixpack (next in Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard Travelin' Heroz #1)

Guest Star(s):

Superman (next in ???)

Supporting Character(s):

Hacken (next in Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard Travelin' Heroz #1)
Dogwelder II's wife and kids (next in Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard Travelin' Heroz #1)

Cameo Appearance(s):

Section Eight
Defenestrator (flashback)
Flemgem (flashback)
Friendly Fire (flashback)
Jean de Baton-Baton (flashback)
Shakes (flashback)


Gotham City
Noonan's Bar
Fortress of Solitude


Story continued from the previous issue. This is the final issue of All-Star Section Eight.

Story Reprinted in:

All-Star Section Eight (June 2016)


Sixpack travels to the ends of the earth in his search for answers, but Dogwelder has already come face-to-face with his own past. The awful truth about Section Eight begins to dawn on our ragged little band-but just when things are at their bleakest, a hero appears with exactly the solution they're looking for. Not a minute too soon, as the long-awaited threat finally appears in Gotham City...