Created by Bill Finger and Martin Nodell

Green Lantern (Alan Scott).jpg


Real Name: Alan Scott
Full Name: Alan Wellington Scott
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Earth
Space Sector: 2814
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Alyx Thorin aka Rose Canton (wife, deceased); Molly Catherine Mayne-Scott (wife); Todd Rice (son); Jennie-Lynn Hayden (daughter)
Base of Operation: Capital City; later Gotham City, NJ and Los Angeles, CA; now New York City, NY
Group Affiliation(s): Justice Society of America; All-Star Squadron; Green Lantern Corps (honorary); Conclave II; Checkmate (former)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 201 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
First Appearance: All-American Comics #16 (July 1940): [The Origin of Green Lantern]
Creators: Bill Finger and Martin Nodell


Though he was never an actual member of the Green Lantern Corps, the story of Alan Scott, first known as the Golden Age Green Lantern and now Sentinel, is older than the Corps itself.

Three and a half billion years ago a humanoid race from the world of Maltus sought to bring order to the stars. An offshoot of the race became known as the Guardians of the Universe. They sought to remove magic from the universe, and laid siege to the necromantic forces of the cosmos. The war was costly on both sides. The last to fall was the powerful Empire of Tears, finally subdued by the Guardians on the tombworld of Ysmault.

After the wars, the stray mystical energies were gathered and bound in an orb called the Starheart. Its strength grew over the eons, and eventually it became self-aware and was known as the Green Flame of Life. Though the Guardians were powerful, the force of magic was something that could not be contained forever. In preparation for this day, the Starheart willed a small portion of itself to travel through the universe to fulfill its destiny. As it traveled through space, the piece of the Starheart gathered debris over the centuries until in resembled a meteor.

Three billion years ago, the Green Lantern Corps was created. Wielding the mighty power ring, the Green Lanterns continued the Guardians' quest for order.

Two thousand years ago, one of the greatest of the Green Lanterns, Yalan Gur of Space Sector 2814, was nearly killed by a yellow beast. The Guardians removed his ring's yellow impurity, rather than risk losing their best Green Lantern to an arbitrary weakness.

Yalan Gur was soon corrupted by his power, forcing his will on the people of ancient China. The Guardians had no recourse but to instill a new weakness in Yalan Gur's ring to humble their errant Green Lantern. He was now vulnerable to the wood of the peasants' weapons. The Green Lantern was badly injured by the angry humans.

So enraged by the humans' attack and by the Guardians’ apparent betrayal, Yalan Gur did not order his ring to repair his wounds. Mortally injured, he plummeted to Earth, the air friction setting him on fire.

The wandering piece of the Starheart felt Yalan Gur's pain and joined with the Green Lantern. He died during reentry to Earth's atmosphere, his life force absorbed by his power battery. Its casing melted and fused with the piece of the mystical Starheart. The Guardians left the remains on Earth, as a monument and prison to a fallen Green Lantern.

The remains were found by local villagers and considered a meteor. Chang, a lamp maker that dabbled in sorcery, heard a mental cry from Yalan's tortured spirit. "Three times shall I flame green!" it spoke, "First - to bring death!" it promised in rage, "Second - to bring life!" in its remorse, and "Third - to bring power!" in his desire to live again.

Chang had read prophecy regarding the strange green meteor and took a part of it, frightening the people of the village. They had believed Chang and the fallen star were evil. Chang made a lamp of the molten metal, angering the villagers to the point of attacking him. They burned his books and it was believed they had killed him. In turn the villagers were killed by green flame of the lamp. "First - to bring death!"

The lamp passed through many hands over the years. It brought good luck and fortune to the good of heart. To the evil, though they might achieve mighty conquests, in the end it brought destruction.

In the twentieth century, the lamp was brought to America by a trio of adventurers who had tracked the pirates of the China seas. Eventually, it was abandoned just north of Gotham City, outside the Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane.

The lamp was found in a trash can and given to one of the patients, Mr. Billings. He had killed his broker in the aftermath of the stock market crash of 1929. Billings was fond of working with metals, and transformed the Chinese lamp into a train lantern.

As the lantern flamed with light, Billings was cured of his insanity. Soon, he walked out of Arkham Asylum a sane man. "Second - to bring life!"

In 1939, the lantern and engineer Alan Scott were on board a train testing the newly constructed Trestle Bridge in the American West. A fellow engineer of Scott's was worried about their competitor in the bid for the bridge, an unscrupulous man named Albert Dekker. Scott did not believe Dekker would stoop so low as to sabotage their trial run, but he was wrong. While crossing the bridge there was a mighty explosion, the train was hurled to the ground below.

All on the train were killed, except for Alan Scott. The green lantern's flame illuminated the wreckage and spoke to Scott, telling him much of its story. The flame promised Scott that power over the dark, evil things would be his if he had faith in himself. If he lost his faith, he would lose his power, because willpower was the flame of the green lantern. Scott was told to carve away part of the lantern to make a ring of power. The ring would need to be touched to the green lantern once every twenty-four hours.

Dazed and confused, Alan Scott swore revenge on Dekker. He returned to his office and set to work on creating a ring. Scott found the metal formed easily, almost as if the ring were willing itself to be shaped. The lantern was his power source.

Willing the ring to find Dekker, Scott found the ring granted him amazing powers, such as flight and the ability to walk through walls. He had a strange immunity to metals as bullets and knives could not stop him, but wood proved a vulnerability. Though Scott's strength was that of a normal man, he fought well against Dekker's men.

Dekker tried to bribe Scott, but the engineer would have no part of it. A high altitude flight persuaded Dekker to confess. Albert Dekker died soon after signing his confession, the shock had been too much for him.

Alan Scott felt the call of destiny. He decided to make himself a dread figure to evil, dressing in a costume of red and green. He created an oath, based on the words of the green flame. "Third - to bring power!" From that day forth, Alan Scott was known as the Golden Age Green Lantern.

One of the Green Lantern's earliest adventures occurred a few weeks after gaining the power of the ring. In his hometown of Metropolis, the Green Lantern uncovered corrupt contractors and public officials. During one altercation, the force of his fist left the ring mark of the Green Lantern on a criminal's cheek.

It was at the 1939-1940 World's Fairgrounds in New York where Alan Scott met Irene Miller. After talking her out of shooting gangster Burt Murdock, Scott learned how Miller's brother, Danny, had worked for the gangster before Irene persuaded him to go straight. Murdock did not take betrayal lightly and had his gang frame Danny Miller for drunken manslaughter. Danny did not defend himself for fear Murdock would harm Irene. His sister had hoped to kill the gangster so her brother could tell the truth and exonerate himself.

Green Lantern visited Danny Miller in prison where the hero learned Murdock was planning on running a protection racket at the World's Fair. Miller also told the Green Lantern about the planned robbery of a charity concert at the Hall of Music.

As the gangsters fired upon the Green Lantern, their bullets ricocheted off the emerald shield and cut them down. Only Murdock survived near certain death and attempted an escape. On the top of the Perisphere monument the Green Lantern was waiting for him.

Murdock whirled in panic, striking the surprised hero with a piece of wood. Murdock pressed his advantage, pummeling the Green Lantern and keeping him unable to concentrate his will power to marshal a defense. The Green Lantern reached out, grabbing Murdock's foot and throwing the gangster off balance. Scott tried to save Murdock but was still too weak. Before his life slipped away, Murdock confessed he had framed Danny Miller.

Alan Scott relocated to Gotham City and took a job at WXYZ radio, under Apex Broadcasting Company. He befriended Brooklyn-born and bred Doiby Dickles, a cab driver who eventually learned his secret identity. Dickles' would drive the streets of Gotham in his taxi cab, named "Goitrude." The taxi cab was outfitted with a special rocket signal which Doiby used to warn the Green Lantern of emergencies.

Shortly before World War II, the first major wave of "mystery-men" appeared in what would later become known as the Golden Age. Some mystery-men had paranormal "super powers" while others used advanced weaponry or finely honed athletic skills with martial arts. As the Green Lantern, Alan Scott was one of the most powerful beings on Earth.

The appearance of these colorful champions of justice led others to lives of heroism. When heavyweight boxing champ Ted Grant was framed for murder, Grant was inspired by the adventures of the Green Lantern and became the crime fighter known as Wildcat to clear his own name.

In 1940, an extraterrestrial spacecraft crash-landed in the country north of Gotham City. The Green Lantern and the Flash were called in by the military to contain the perceived threat to national security. They turned over the pilot, dubbed Alien X, to the government for study, little knowing the repercussions this would have decades later. The Flash and the Green Lantern were treated as pawns and cast aside by the military. Rather than let the spacecraft fall into the military's hands, the heroes hid it, far from Gotham City.

On November 9th 1940, "Mr. Smythe," a British secret agent working for "Intrepid" and acting under full authority of the top Allied commanders, asked the Flash and the Green Lantern to travel to Scotland to oppose a planned Nazi invasion of England. German officer Helmut Streicher had set up a hidden base to aid in the invasion. The heroes were captured by a robot, the so-called "Murder Machine" and taken to Berlin. Hitler sought to prove the Aryan race's mastery by killing the heroes with the ancient Spear of Destiny, the spear that a Roman soldier once used on Christ himself.

They were rescued by Dr. Fate and the Hourman while the Spectre, Hawkman, the Sandman, and the Atom assisted in foiling the would-be invasion. The combined forces of the heroes saved President Franklin Delano Roosevelt from an assassination attempt by a Valkyrie under Hitler's control. The grateful Roosevelt proposed the heroes continue to work as a team in the cause of justice. The team they formed was the legendary Justice Society of America, first chaired by the Flash.

Their first case as the Justice Society of America involved fighting America's internal enemies, Axis spies and saboteurs. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover gave each mystery-man orders to ferret out the Fifth Columnists.

The Green Lantern was assigned to check out interference with radio reception that was spreading from the East coast to the West. He arrived at a California radio station in time to see uniformed Nazis working over Krapek, the radio station's owner, but a well thrown bottle knocked the Green Lantern out of action.

Irene Miller arrived shortly thereafter and she and Krapek were taken hostage while the Nazis escaped. They were hiding in a giant blimp, camouflaged by artificial clouds. From their aerial base they operated an experimental jamming device that was responsible for the radio interference.

The Green Lantern gave chase and got on board the blimp. He was blasted with an electron gun but Krapek sacrificed his life by smashing the controls. The Green Lantern rescued Miller and Krapek, but the radio station owner died shortly after giving the name of the national leader of the Fifth Columnists, Fritz Klaver.

The Justice Society regrouped in Toledo, Ohio where they found the headquarters of Klaver's group. Klaver knew he was defeated and tried to destroy the house, and the records of the spy ring, as well as the heroes. Dr. Fate prevented the destruction and, following a wish by Johnny Thunder granted by his magic Thunderbolt, the heroes took Klaver and his army, house and all, to Washington, DC to be brought to justice.

Aside from fighting crime and Fifth Columnists, the JSA engaged in many charitable events, such as raising $1,000,000 for war orphans. As the JSA's chairman, Green Lantern would present the cash to the President. He and Doctor Fate were delivering the money to President Roosevelt and were on hand to protect him from a pair of "shadowmen" masterminded by Fate's old enemy, Ian Karkull, a scientist who hated America for not recognizing his genius. Karkull had seen into the future and planned to kill the next ten American presidents. On June 28, 1941, Karkull and his agents enacted his plan.

Green Lantern had saved the list of targets the shadowmen held and each of the JSAers split up to save them from death. Green Lantern fought Wotan, another of Doctor Fate's enemies. They were evenly matched until Wotan struck out, missing Green Lantern but hitting his intended target, a tree under which a young boy stood. Due to the power ring's weakness against wood, Green Lantern was unable to prevent the boy's death.

The rest of the JSA were able to protect the targets of the villains and together they defeated Karkull. In his moment of death, Karkull exploded, releasing the stolen life forces he had accumulated over the years. The heroes were bathed in the life force energies and would, as the years went on, find their aging slowed and their vitality remaining far past that of humans their age.

Scott was hit hard by the death of the child, believing he could have prevented it had the demands of his life as Green Lantern, hero of Gotham City, and that of the Justice Society had not been so great. Scott stepped down as chairman and left the JSA along with the Hourman. They were replaced by Doctor Midnite and Starman.

The Justice Society soon became involved with a group of scientists known as the Time Trust, who had developed a time machine. The Time Trust had been working on a means to create force fields which could protect America from enemy bombing should it enter the World War. The project was perhaps better known as "the Bomb Defense Formula."

The Time Trust found the technology for force fields in the 25th Century and the JSA was sent to return with the formula. The Time Trust then built the force field device, but jealous lab assistant, Per Degaton, sabotaged the device.

Degaton later returned to 1941 from the near future, 1947, along with a number of villains gathered from 1947, to face the Justice Society of America. Some of the villains had yet to meet their foes in 1941. Degaton sent the monstrous Solomon Grundy after the Flash and Grundy's most hated foe, the Green Lantern, some three years before their first battle.

Though Degaton and his allies failed to achieve the victory he had sought, his intervention did prevent the Justice Society heroes from possibly defending America from a Japanese sneak attack just hours later. The heroes were gathered in San Francisco with no recollection of how they arrived there when the naval base Pearl Harbor was bombed.

Shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt brought virtually all the mystery men in the United States together under the banner of the All-Star Squadron. On December 8, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan.

The All-Stars set out after the Japanese Imperial Fleet but were unable to find the ships due to a prototype invisio-inducer developed by Doctor Daka. Traveling westward, the All-Stars were nearing Wake Island, the halfway point between Japan and Hawaii. Since they could not locate the fleet, the All-Stars decided they would lend a hand to the US Army and Navy and bring the battle to Japan itself.

Unbeknownst to the heroes, midway between their location and Wake Island was another small island occupied by a camouflaged Japanese bunker. Anticipating an American counteroffensive, the Japanese High Command had dispatched the Dragon King to lie in wait for the American heroes. Rather than rely on military might, the Dragon King would rely on a mixture of science and magic to defeat the American mystery men.

As Minister of War, Hideki Tojo had come into possession of the legendary Holy Grail. Upon his rise to Premier of Japan on October 17, 1941, Tojo had begun to implement a plan to make Japan invincible to superhuman counter attacks. Though separated by thousands of miles, Hitler and Tojo would each simultaneously perform certain mystical rites over their talismans, the Spear of Destiny and the Holy Grail, activating a dynamo on the Dragon King's island. The dynamo then sent out waves of energy across Axis held territories.

Once inside the energy field, those heroes susceptible to magic found themselves turning against their All-Star allies. Doctor Fate attacked Hawkman while the Green Lantern delivered a number of All-Stars to the Dragon King's island, there to be helpless targets of the Japanese garrison stationed there. Trapped inside a bubble of emerald energy, the heroes would have been gunned down had it not been for a piece of driftwood which had gotten inside the bubble when it landed. Liberty Belle hurled the wood at the Green Lantern stunning him and causing him to drop his concentration. The All-Stars were freed to take on the Japanese.

Hawkman, pursued by Doctor Fate, left the zone of influence whereupon Fate reverted back to normal. Leaving Fate, he challenged the Green Lantern to bring the All-Stars and face him in a fight to the death. Hawkman led the emerald crusader out of the energy field as well, where the Green Lantern came to his senses.

Johnny Quick and his Thunderbolt set out for Wake Island but were eventually freed from Axis influence. Fortunately, the Spectre had not been inside the energy field long enough to be turned against America. Though they could not oppose the Axis directly due to the mystical defenses, the Allied heroes could at least face any threats outside of the Axis sphere of influence.

A short time afterward, Alan Scott and Doiby Dickles enlisted in the army with Alan as Private First Class and Doiby as a Sergeant. Unbeknownst to the American public, Green Lantern defended the industrial cities of the American northeast from a German aerial assault. To show solidarity with their Japanese allies, Germany sent an experimental aircraft carrier to strike at the American mainland. On December 8, 1941, Green Lantern destroyed the carrier and the planes before they so much as violated American air space. Unfortunately for PFC Alan Scott, this caused him to miss roll call and cause the disfavor of a general. Sergeant Dickles was forced to assign Scott to K.P. duty peeling potatoes.

The Justice Society officially disbanded December 22, 1941. Unable to take the fight to the Axis in their costumed identities, a number of Justice Society members traded their costumes for uniforms in the armed services.

By 1942, the All-Star Squadron had over fifty members with different divisions including the Justice Society of America, the Freedom Fighters, the Seven Soldiers of Victory also known as the Law's Legionnaires, and the Young All-Stars.

The Green Lantern and the Flash performed in a January 1942 War Bond Circus which was disrupted by a bright light, blinding the Flash during a trapeze act. Jay Garrick's super speed kept him from falling to his death. When the light subsided, a glowing bubble remained; inside were the Atom, Wildcat, and a new hero, the Guardian. All three immediately attacked the Flash and the Green Lantern. Surprisingly, the threesome possessed super strength, beyond any which they had shown before, as well as an immunity to the Flash and the Green Lantern's powers. A blaze of emerald energy from the Lantern's power ring blinded the Atom, Wildcat, and the Guardian long enough for them to come to their senses and their normal strength returned.

The mystery-men left the circus to learn what caused their fight. Each of the three told of their origins and related a similar tale of being drawn in by a glowing bubble which pulled them inside. Probed by the Green lantern's ring, another common link developed. Each of the three heroes was trained by the same man. In the Guardian's case, the trainer was not Joe Morgan but Nat Milligan.

Investigating further, all three met up with glowing versions of Joe Morgan/Nat Milligan. Despite the duplicates' strange powers each of the three Morgans were handily defeated. Aside from appearing to be different ages the three duplicates were identical. Once they were brought in proximity of each other and scanned by the emerald glow of the power ring the three trainers merged together, increasing in size and strength.

Joe Morgan emanated waves of pure vile and focused his rage on the Green Lantern. His three students tried to stop him by force, but more importantly by trying to reach the man inside. Morgan fought a mental battle with himself then collapsed, a glowing white sphere separated from him as he returned to normal size.

The dying Joe Morgan explained how he had gone by the name of Nat Milligan at times. He had trained first Ted Grant, Al Pratt, and then Jim Harper only to have each of them leave him. Rather than giving Morgan fame and fortune, he felt they had abandoned him and Morgan had grown bitter.

That January night, the glowing sphere appeared to him and revealed Grant, Pratt, and Harper had become Wildcat, the Atom, and the Guardian and offered the chance for Morgan to get even with them. The sphere had needed a human being to act through while on Earth, and sensed the evil inside Morgan which would make him a perfect host. Once Morgan agreed, the sphere then split off three more spheres, each one a different color which tracked down his former students. He felt himself split into three different people as well, stronger than Joe Morgan had ever been. Morgan tried to fight it but could not. He sensed the sphere was pure evil, seeking the Green Lantern's emerald energy to merge it together.

Alan Scott did not know why he was the target as there was much he did not know about the ring and lantern which granted him his power. Rather than risk unleashing the sphere's evil on Earth, he placed an emerald force field around it and launched it into the depths of space where it could do no harm.

Eons ago, the Guardians of the Universe had created the glowing white sphere by purging the evil from themselves. Sometime after the creation of the Green Lantern Corps the Guardians had sent the evil globe being across the multiverse so they would not be tempted to use the power it contained. They decreed that if the globe being attempted to act it would keep splitting into three weaker parts as well as any creature it managed to possess by force of will. Only the magic energy the Guardians had formed in the Starheart could ever weld the parts together into one all-powerful force. The Guardians knew a champion would one day arise using their magic energy and should that champion fall the sphere would unleash its evil across the universe. Fortunately Alan Scott had defeated the sphere but as of this writing it is still out in space waiting.

On February 8, 1942, a news report of a Morse code challenge issued to the All-Star Squadron from the New York World's Fairgrounds brought the Green Lantern back into action. Phasing through the wall of the Perisphere, the emerald gladiator was shocked to see members of the All-Star Squadron and the Justice Society strapped into a fantastic device with energy swirling about them. A giant image of a brain pulsated with energy. It was only seconds before he was pulled to the floating brain. He did not struggle as he entered the image to see what was on the other side.

The brain was created by Henry King, aka the Brain Wave. The villain sought to demonstrate his power by killing the Justice Society heroes within a world created by his thought images. Each hero would run through the same type of dream, in which they were ultimately killed. The death images would slowly rob the heroes of their will to live and once one gave up on life, the remaining heroes would pull the others over the edge.

The Green Lantern appeared in Japan. Seeing his fellow heroes dead at the hands of the Japanese enraged him. The Brain Wave hoped to crush the hero's will as well, but found Green Lantern was too powerful. The emerald crusader lashed out at what he believed to be Imperial Japanese forces, destroying ground forces, aircraft, and battleships. So strong was the mental power Brain Wave amplified into the mental dream world that Green Lantern believed he could only end the Japanese assault by turning the full force of his power ring upon the Japanese mainland, thereby destroying all life around him, military and civilians alike. The Brain Wave was hit by a massive feedback which destroyed the machinery in his Manhattan hideout.

Horrified by what he had done, the Green Lantern turned the power ring upon himself. Alan Scott would destroy the ring and take his own life rather than let what he had done ever happen again.

Scott heard the voices of his fallen comrades urging him not to take his life or theirs would be forfeit as well. He believed it might be some kind of trick but risked using the power ring to bring his friends "back to life." They were freed of the Brain Wave's dream images, but even though the destruction of Japan was only a dream image, Alan Scott could not escape the magnitude of what he had done.

During the course of the war, General Brody requested Hawkman gather the Justice Society of America as the Justice Battalion and place themselves under the command of the War Department. They would defend America from Nazi saboteurs and Axis spies. At the suggestion of Liberty Belle, the Trylon and Perisphere was chosen as the headquarters of the All-Star Squadron.

Later that day, a new threat emerged. A mercenary, Deathbolt, working with the Ultra-Humanite helped steal the powerstone and the Hammer of Thor, artifacts of great energy. The Ultra-Humanite was also supported by the nuclear powered Cyclotron and a subterranean race she/he called the "Sub-Men."

All-Stars Robotman, Commander Steel, and Johnny Quick arrived to help their friends but were overwhelmed by Ultra's allies. Firebrand was taken as a hostage while Robotman was taken to supply Ultra with a new, more powerful body.

All-Stars Johnny Quick, Commander Steel, Liberty Belle, and the Green Lantern returned to the Perisphere to plan against Ultra. The Green Lantern returned to his army barracks to recharge the power ring and report in as PFC Alan Scott.

At 3:00 PM on February 10, 1942, the Normandie, a 65 ton French liner planned to be converted into an aircraft carrier and christened the Lafayette, was set on fire by Ultra. Johnny Quick was on the scene to help rescue workers, but a blast injured the hero. The Normandie turned on its side from all the water being pumped on to it to fight the fire. The Green Lantern heard of the disaster and used his power ring to sink the ship and resurface it, thereby smothering the flames.

Ultra demanded $100,000,000 or other targets would be destroyed and cripple the American war effort. To help facilitate these plans, Ultra had gathered more superhuman operatives, some of whom would be a surprise to the Justice Society of America.

An ally of Ultra's, Will Everett alias Amazing Man, was caught by the Atom while trying to steal the helmet of Doctor Fate from Fate's tower in Salem Massachusetts. Amazing Man was able to touch the floor of the Perisphere thereby changing to metal and attempting escape. The All-Stars battled their new foe and the Green Lantern caught Amazing Man in an emerald hand formed by the energy of his power ring.

Amazing Man tried to absorb the emerald energy but was shocked to find he reverted back to flesh and blood. He would have remained at the Green Lantern's mercy had it not been for the Atom. In an attempt to subdue their foe, the Atom tried to strike Amazing Man with a piece of wood, neglecting to remember the Green Lantern's weakness to wood. Once Amazing Man grabbed the wood he was able to transform, free himself, and strike the Green Lantern. Amazing Man was finally reined in by Steel and, upon hearing of Ultra's planned attack on his hometown of Detroit, swore to cease fighting.

Amazing Man accompanied the Green Lantern and the Atom to the Detroit tank yards where two costumed figures had already begun destroying the manufacturing plant. A flying, green skinned young woman named Jade wielded green energy similar to that of the Green Lantern. Her accomplice, Obsidian, used shadow casting powers.

The All-Stars grappled with Jade and Obsidian and mysteriously disappeared when they touched their foes. The Atom and the Green Lantern were replaced with Rag Doll and the Monocle while Jade and Obsidian passed out. As long as the rest of Detroit was spared, Amazing Man had no objection to helping the villains destroy the manufacturing plant. Fortunately for the American war effort, Ultra called them away on a more important task before too much damage was done.

By touching Jade, the Green Lantern was plunged into limbo, taking Rag Doll's place in that dimension. Rag Doll and the Monocle were part of the Secret Society of Super-Villains, a team the Justice Society and the future Justice League of America would fight decades later. Other All-Stars facing Ultra's newest superhumans in Brooklyn and Los Angeles would find themselves sent to limbo as well.

While they were trapped in limbo, Jade and her teammates awoke and came to their senses. They were members of Infinity, Inc., a team of super-heroes from later in the twentieth century. Freed of Ultra's mind control, the Infinitors could join the remaining All-Stars in opposing Ultra's plan.

Ultra and his/her allies defeated another group of All-Stars and following the suggestion of Brain Wave (secretly the future son of Brain Wave and ally of Infinity, Inc. posing as his villainous father) the two sent the All-Stars to limbo. Apparently Ultra had not thought the idea through as moments after the heroes departed, the first group of All-Stars were freed from limbo, likely released when the second group took their place in that realm.

After they resolved their differences, members of the All-Star Squadron and Infinity, Inc. divided their forces to prevent Ultra's attack on the three branches of the United States government. The Green Lantern, Jade, and Obsidian teamed to rescue Congress from the Mist and the Psycho-Pirate while other heroes defended the Supreme Court and the President.

Fury and Northwind of Infinity, Inc. teamed with the Atom to disrupt Ultra's surgical transplant of his/her brain from the body of Dolores Winters into Robotman's mechanical form. Terry "Cyclotron" Curtis turned on Ultra and sacrificed his life to defeat the villain. The powerstone and the Hammer of Thor were believed to have been destroyed with Ultra but as the Infinitors knew, Ultra would survive to menace their future.

The heroes did not have an opportunity to speculate on the ramifications of their actions as the Infinity, Inc. members doubled over in pain. It appeared Ultra had a defect designed into the time capsule which brought the young heroes to 1942.

Following the Green Lantern's instructions, he and Jade joined power ring to power pulse while Jade's comrades joined hands in a circle surrounding the green energy wielding heroes. By focusing their thoughts on their native time and place, the power ring sent Infinity, Inc. to the moment they left the future for 1942.

When news footage of the Third Reich's Vergeltungswaffe or "Retaliation Weapon" reached America's shores, the President was quick to confiscate the film reels in the interests of preserving morale on the home front. The superhuman operative known as Hauptmann Wunder or Captain Marvel possessed immense physical power used to down Great Britain's Royal Air Force defending London. Even the British Empire's hero, Sir Justin, the Shining Knight had fallen before Marvel.

Concerned that American mystery-men might be lured into Axis held territories and then taken as pawns, the F.B.I. assigned Plastic Man, their liaison with the All-Star Squadron, to watch over his fellow heroes.

A battle over London confirmed the F.B.I.'s concerns were justified. Captain Marvel had sought to draw the Green Lantern into the Axis' sphere of influence but the ring wielder was pulled back by Hawkman.

After the battle, a girl and boy walking with a crutch appeared in London and presented themselves to the All-Star Squadron. Upon speaking magic words, bolts of mystical lightning transformed them into young counterparts of Captain Marvel.

After listening to Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr.'s explanations, a number of All-Stars, believed to be less susceptible to the influence of the Spear of Destiny, secretly entered Occupied France to destroy the Spear. Mary and Freddy (the non-powered personas of the Marvel Family) were surprised to see a bound and gagged Billy Batson. In moments they were captured by Captain Marvel and S.S. guards.

Batson told them how Nazi engineer Hans Gootsden had created an experimental spatial-displacement ray which brought him from another universe and split Captain Marvel and Billy Batson into two bodies. Captain Marvel was held under the sway of the Spear of Destiny as long as Batson remained inside Axis territories, allowing the Nazis to attack Allied forces outside their range of influence. Now having the younger Marvels, Gootsden was able to split them into their other personas, giving the Nazis two more super powered pawns. The Marvel Family was then sent to drop a newly developed bomb of unprecedented magnitude on London. After the Marvels had departed, Batson bravely set up a diversion allowing the All-Stars to free him as well as Mary and Freddy.

In London, the waiting Green Lantern tried to hold off the Marvels and managed to save the House of Commons from the destructive force of the gigantic bomb. The Marvels were about to turn on the emerald crusader when their counterparts were taken out of Axis held territories. Freed from the Spear of Destiny, the Marvels joined the Green Lantern in saving the All-Stars under Nazi fire in the English Channel.

After the Nazis had fled in defeat, the heroes gathered on the deck of a captured German E-Boat. Following a suggestion of Billy Batson's, all six of the visitors from another universe said their magic words, combining their dual identities and transporting them home.

Though America was fighting a war overseas, internally another fight was brewing. In late February 1942, racial tensions in Detroit were leading to violence. Hawkman and the Green Lantern reported to Washington, DC to advise F.D.R. of the situation in Detroit. The two heroes appealed to the President for assistance but F.D.R. considered it best handled by the local authorities while the war was being fought overseas. In the meantime, a number of other All-Stars went to Detroit to try to keep the peace but bigotry and intolerance was gaining the upper hand.

Saturday, February 28, 1942, saw riots over blacks moving into the Sojourner Truth homes, riots which were fueled by the masked "Real American" and the racist "Phantom Empire." Though the All-Stars wished to stay neutral and stabilize the situation, they found themselves strangely under the sway of the Real American's words. Of the heroes, only Robotman could filter out the effects of Real American's speech and help prevent the lynching of Amazing Man, Will Everett.

Without his powers as Amazing Man, Everett defeated Real American with his bare hands. The Real American self-destructed, revealed as an android. Johnny Quick then caught the so-called Emperor of the Phantom Empire who had secretly been supplied with the Real American android by the Monitor, a being whose actions would have a great impact in the days to come.

The evening of Wednesday, April 1, 1942, saw the beginning of changes that would effect reality itself. While Heinrich Gootsden had "shanghaied" the Justice Society into hyperspace, Harbinger, an agent of the Monitor had taken Firebrand to fight against the Anti-Monitor in the Crisis on Infinite Earths. The Green Lantern, Johnny Quick, and Liberty Belle arrived just in time to see the pair vanish into a rift in the sky. The trio followed and were lost in a time/space warp.

They emerged on an alternate Earth where they assisted that world's hero, Captain Marvel, battle shadow creatures threatening the Earth. Green Lantern's power ring shattered the shadow creatures but soon ran out of power.

Theorizing what happened on his Earth might have happened on this alternate Earth, Green Lantern believed he had found a way to reenergize his power ring. Captain Marvel took Green Lantern to China where, under Lantern's direction, he unearthed another glowing green meteor such as had been turned into Alan's lantern and battery. Green Lantern was able to charge his power ring from the glowing meteor.

They regrouped with Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle and were taken to Captain Marvel's mentor, Shazam. The wizard sent the All-Stars to the Rock of Eternity and from there they were sent into interdimensional space.

An expanse of white light engulfed Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle but prevented Alan Scott from following. Unbeknownst to Scott, his fellow All-Stars were taken to the satellite of the Monitor, there to play their part in the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

When Firebrand was attacked by a robot that had gotten into the Perisphere, Robotman had spared the female-looking construct from destruction at the hands of his fellow All-Stars. Feeling a kinship with the mechanical being, Robotman rebuilt "her." Robotman renamed her "Mekanique" and redesigned her metallic form. On April 12, 1942, the All-Star Squadron convened to vote whether or not she should be turned over to their custody to protect the general public.

The Green Lantern, the Shining Knight, Firebrand, and Air Wave were sent to speak with Robotman but their friend was not willing to listen. Air Wave detected a massive build up of energy which would soon explode if not contained. Robotman lashed out at Green Lantern before he could use the ring to stop the upcoming disaster. Green Lantern could then only erect a force shield around them when it did blow up.

After the blast, Mekanique emerged more powerful than before. She defended Robotman from the All-Stars and was able to deflect the mystic energy of Green Lantern's power ring with a neutron shield. She soon told the All-Stars of her past, which was really their far future.

Mekanique claimed she was trying to avert a war in the world of the far future. After viewing a holographic image of a car accident to take place a few minutes in their future, Green Lantern and Firebrand went to save the small child that would have died had history taken its course.

The pair returned to the Perisphere to find the Justice Society had returned from their forced trip through hyperspace. Outside, Robotman and Mekanique had left the company of the All-Stars to speak privately. Mekanique had not been entirely truthful in her explanation of the future war she had averted. She had been created by an evil scientific magician named Rotwang who had sent her back in time to prevent the existence of a woman named Maria who led a slave revolt against him and the ruling elite of the far future. To accomplish her mission, Rotwang had given Mekanique the power to hold back the effects of the Crisis on Infinite Earths from finalizing in the All-Stars' time period. The chronal energies swept over their era, erasing or changing certain events or individuals and creating a new reality.

It should be noted where there once might have been an infinite number of Earths separated by vibrational barriers now there was one with a unified timeline. Heroes such as Superman, Batman and Robin, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Arrow and Speedy who might have existed during the Golden Age of Earth-Two were now gone. In some cases other heroes filled in the void left by their absence. Some events, such as the All-Star Squadron's encounters with the Marvel family, may not have happened at all in the revised timeline.

To Be Continued...


For a definitive list of appearances of Green Lantern in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #9 (November 1985)

Green Lantern Secret Files #1 (July 1998)
JSA Secret Files #1 (August 1999)
Green Lantern Secret Files #2 (September 1999)


"Take the mystic potency of an ancient Green Lamp - potency which enables a man to walk through walls and gives him immunity to metals for 24 hours after he has touched the Power Ring to the Green Lamp - combine it with the tremendous willpower of Alan Scott - and you have... GREEN LANTERN."

Welcome to the Unofficial Green Lantern Corps Web Page's Alan Scott profile! For those two or three people that might not know it, Alan Scott (better known as the Golden Age Green Lantern) is the character that started the Green Lantern concept. The history in this section is from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide (1995), Beyond Zero Hour: Wizard Special Edition (1994), Martin Nodell's letters to Roy Thomas in All-Star Squadron #33 (May 1984) and #39 (November 1984) as well as convention appearances by Julius Schwartz. Since I've got to start somewhere with the notes, I may as well begin with the publisher...

In 1939, DC Comics contracted Max C. Gaines to produce his own line of comics to be published and distributed by DC. Though keeping separate offices from DC, the All-American line traded house ads and on occasion, characters. The first All-American comic was the aptly named All-American Comics published in April 1939 and featured humor and adventure stories.

In a letter written by Martin Nodell to Roy Thomas, published in All-Star Squadron #39, Nodell tells how editor Sheldon Mayer asked him if he had any ideas for a feature character. Nodell had many thoughts but no cohesive direction for a character and a storyline. Taking the subway home to Brooklyn, Nodell saw a trainman on the tracks waving down a train with a red lantern then waving the "all clear" with a green lantern. At that moment, Nodell says, the idea was born. Nodell doesn't recall any references to Aladdin but that may have been brought in by writer Bill Finger.

Supposedly, Green Lantern's secret identity was to be "Alan Ladd" in homage to his fictional namesake but the powers-that-be didn't think that would be a believeable name and therefore chose Alan Scott. Within a few years, an actor by the name of Alan Ladd caught the public's attention as a movie star, and ironically, even starred in his own nine issue comic book series, The Adventures of Alan Ladd published by DC (as National Periodical Publications) from Oct.-Nov. 1949 though Feb.-Mar. 1951. As an aside, Who's Who '85 #9 lists Alan Scott's middle name as Wellington, but that was changed to "Ladd" by All-Star Squadron writer Roy Thomas who was unsure of where the Wellington name was dug up.

Refined by Mayer, Finger and Nodell, the Green Lantern debuted in All-American #16 (July 1940) drawn by Nodell and written by Finger. The Green Lantern proved popular enough to receive his own self-titled series in the fall of 1941 and went on to share the spotlight with other popular All-American heroes, the Flash and Wonder Woman in Comics Cavalcade starting in the winter of 1942. All-American also introduced other characters, such as the Atom, Hawkman, and the Spectre. The Green Lantern appeared in All Star Comics as well and in the third issue (Winter 1940) Mayer and Gardner Fox introduced the first super-hero team, the legendary Justice Society of America of which the Green Lantern was a charter member. 1944 saw an early annual, The Big All-American Comic Book, which featured many of the All-American stars in a one-shot issue.

Gaines sold All-American to DC in 1945 for a reported $500,000.00 and left to form EC Comics. The purchase of the All-American characters would pave the way for DC to reintroduce them in 1956 and thereby kick off the Silver Age.

In 1947, a difference of opinion with DC's editors led Martin Nodell to leave for freelance work, most notably with Timely Comics (Marvel's name in the 1940s). While working for Timely he drew characters such as Captain America, the Submariner, and the Human Torch. In 1950 Nodell left the comics business for animation, TV production and eventually ad agencies. He was behind such famous ads as the Exxon tiger and arguably his most famous character, the Pillsbury Doughboy.

In the 1980s, comic fandom saw Nodell's renewed involvement with the Green Lantern. Fortunately for those on a budget, Martin Nodell's artwork has been featured in a few DC Comics of a more recent (and less expensive) vintage. All-Star Squadron Annual #3, page 25-27 (1984), Green Lantern Vol. 3 #19 and 1998's Green Lantern Gallery #1. Nodell has also created "the Beacon" for Big Bang Comics.

As for the Green Lantern, the popularity of TV Westerns led to the demise of many a super-hero title. All-American Comics #102 (October 1948) became All-American Western #103 November 1948. The Justice Society's All Star Comics #57 (Feb.-March 1951) gave way to All Star Western. In perhaps the harshest twist of all, Alan Scott lost three of the final six Green Lantern covers to Streak, the Wonder Dog, who debuted in GREEN LANTERN # 30. Canceling as of the 38th issue (May-June 1949) it would be almost twenty-three years before "Menace of the Marching Toys," slated to appear in the never-published GREEN LANTERN # 39, would be printed in Green Lantern Vol. 2 #88.

Due to the scarcity (let alone high price tags) of Golden Age comics, I've had to skimp a bit on the research. The history presented in this profile is based on the continuity by Roy Thomas in All-Star Squadron #1-67 and Annuals #1-3 as well as whatever reprints I could get my hands on (thanks to Rich Morrissey's reprint guide in the America Vs. the Justice Society miniseries) and information in the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide (1995). In the case of many of the villains I've added parts of Who's Who entries for a basic first appearance/origin in cases where I don't have the reprints to reference.

Per the 1976 Super DC Calendar, Alan Scott was born on October 2nd.

There's more History as well as notes to come so please keep checking the page for further updates...]