Unofficial Action Comics Index |
Cover Date: March 1966
Cover Price: $0.25
Publication Date: 1966-01-18
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Cover Credits:
Pencils: Jim Mooney (central image), Curt Swan
Credits (new material only):
Reprint Comment(s):
- Story reprinted from Action Comics #252/3 (May 1959)
Credits (new material only):
Reprint Comment(s):
- Story reprinted from Action Comics #259/3 (December 1959)
Credits (new material only):
Reprint Comment(s):
- Story reprinted from Action Comics #269/2 (October 1960)
Credits (new material only):
Reprint Comment(s):
- Story reprinted from Action Comics #261/3 (February 1960)
Credits (new material only):
Reprint Comment(s):
- Story reprinted from Action Comics #271/2 (December 1960)
Credits (new material only):
Reprint Comment(s):
- Story reprinted from Action Comics #267/2 (August 1960)
- Pages 2 and 3 were cut from the original.
Credits (new material only):
Reprint Comment(s):
- Story reprinted from Superboy Vol. 1 #80 (April 1960)
Credits (new material only):
Reprint Comment(s):
- Story reprinted from Action Comics #285 (February 1962) [one page excerpt]
Credits (new material only):
Reprint Comment(s):
- Story reprinted from Action Comics #292/2 (September 1962)