
Shazam (Freddy Freeman).png
Shazam II; Art by Cliff Chiang


Real Name: Freddy Freeman
Aliases: Captain Marvel Jr., CM3
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
First Appearance: (as Captain Marvel Jr.): (pre-Crisis): Whiz Comics #25 (December 26, 1941) [Fawcett]
(post-Crisis): Power of Shazam! #7 (September 1995)
(as Shazam II): Trials of Shazam #12 (June 2008)


Horribly injured by Captain Nazi, Freddy Freeman was granted a portion of the power of Shazam by Captain Marvel and Mary Marvel in order to help him heal more quickly. He has also used the power as a hero, initially brasher and more impulsive than the other members of the 'Marvel Family', though time and experience, including a short stint as a Teen Titan, have matured him.

For a time, Freddy adopted the name CM3 because he was unable to say his own name, since the words 'Captain Marvel' trigger his change between normal and super-heroic forms.

Since the dawn of the new age of magic, Freddy has undergone trials to earn the powers of Shazam, and now goes by that name.


For a definitive list of appearances of Shazam in chronological order click here